Laura's Corner
Happy Fall Y’all!
Hopefully you all had a great summer and are ready for a beautiful fall in Michigan! Our favorite fall activity is driving around the back roads looking at the tree colors, how about you?
Once again we will be closed for the holiday weekend, so our team members have three or four days with their families before fall activities and school consume their time.
The office is open Friday 9 to 4pm as usual, then closed until Tuesday, Sept 5 at 9am.
The quilt shop is open Friday 11 to 5pm as usual, then closed until Tuesday, Sept 5 at 11am.
Feel free to leave messages, but we will only check the retreat phone messages in case it is an emergency or last-minute change for reservations. Thank you for understanding that we need time off too!
Have a safe and relaxing holiday weekend!
Creatively yours,
Laura G
Tamara's Tidbits
Hello friends!
If you receive our weekly Tidbits, you may have heard that we recently changed credit card processors. Our new processor now allows us to save credit card numbers for future charges. If this is something you would like, just let us know when you call to pay by credit card over the phone. Additionally, we are required to verify your zip code along with the security code. So if you have moved, you'll want to let us know.
As a reminder, we do not take credit card payments for retreats online. We continue to have guests call in so that we can verify the location and dates that you're staying and to make sure there is still room for you to join.
Have a fantastic September!
Selena's Scoop
I’m feeling sentimental this morning as I put my recipe together for the newsletter. Fall is my favorite time of year. I love how the world smells, I love how my house looks and smells during fall and yet, I hate everything pumpkin flavored. There, I said it, just say no to pumpkin spice but I’ve gotten off track.
For those of you who don’t follow us on Facebook, first, why not, we’re awesome and show you the latest and greatest there, go do it and then come back to keep reading. (Facebook for Retreats, Facebook for Quilt Shop). I found out that I’m going to be a Grandma in January and we’re so excited to welcome a little girl into our family after raising 3 boys. That brings me to the sentimental part, with my mom gone and all my grandma’s gone, I do not have them to lean on or to be excited with, thankfully, I have the best mother in law and couldn’t be more grateful, however, a girl wants her Mom and I just realize how excited she would be and how creative she would be decorating for the shower. I’ll do my best to bring all her talents into the beautiful day to celebrate Austin and Mary and their beautiful baby.
Each month, I go through my recipes and find one perfect for that time of year or that just calls to me and today, I’ll share one I’ve probably already shared but let’s be clear, this girl has some favorites and although she’s a great cook, I only have so many recipes. This was my Grandma’s recipe given to me at my bridal shower and just seems fitting to share, nothing fancy, just perfect for my feelings today.
Banana Bread
2 large bananas smashed
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
2 tbs milk
2 cups sifted flour-I have never sifted flour in my life but my grandma says I should
¼ tsp salt
½ tsp baking soda
½ tsp baking powder
½ cup melted butter
1 tsp vanilla
If you’re feeling adventurous, dump in some mini chocolate chips…there are no rules here, just go for it.
Now, I’m sure she would cringe if she knew I put all of this together in one step and just let the mixer do its thing. Once mixed, you can use a sprayed bread pan or sprayed muffin cups or heck, use some liners.
If using a bread pan, you’ll have to wait so much longer to enjoy, like 55 minutes in a 300 degree oven.
If you can’t wait that long, about 15-20 minutes in a 325 degree oven. I raised big boys, we do muffins.
Michelle's Material
Creative Passions Quilt Shop is Home of the new precut: Cake Roll®
What is a Cake Roll®?
A Cake Roll® is 10 pieces of fabric, cut 10" X Width of Fabric (WOF)
A Cake Roll® is NOT a kit.
How much yardage is in a Cake Roll®?
2 3/4 yards are in a Cake Roll®!
Is a Cake Roll® limited edition?
No, we will have this precut forever!
Can I get a Cake Roll® out of any line of fabric?
Yes, we can cut a Cake Roll® for any line of fabric in the shop.
You can shop our already created Cake Rolls® on our website HERE!
Landon has been working on our Luggage Team since earlier this year. With our busy season coming up, you may see him help you out! He's been a great addition to our team.
"Hi I’m Landon, I am currently a student at Chesaning High School. I am new to Creative Passions and a part of the luggage team. In my free time I like to play Soccer, hunt, and hangout with friends."

Retreat Availability
Sept 8-10
CP2 - 12 spots
CPRC24 - 24 spots
Suite B - small group up to 4
Suite C - small gorup up to 4
Sept 11-14
2B - small group up to 5
Sept 15-17
CP2 - 12 spots
Sept 18-21
CPRC16 - 16 spots
Sept 22-24
CPRC24 - 12 spots
CPRC16 - 10 spots
Sept 25-28
CPRC16 - 16 spots
Sept 29-Oct 1
CP1 - 6 spots
CPRC24 - 12 spots
CPRC16 - 8 spots
Suite B - smal group up to 4
Suite C - small group up to 4
Local Events & News
All Saturdays in September thru Oct 14th, Market Off Broad Farmers Market, located between the Ace and Dollar General parking lots from 10am-1pm
Sept 13-16 - AQS in Grand Rapids where Creative Passions Quilt Shop will be a vendor. Stop by our booth!
Sat Sept 16 - Chesaning Car Cruze Night
Sun Sept 17 - Chesaning Chamber of Commerce Golf Outing, Scholarship Fundraiser, more details can be found HERE
Sat Sept 30 - Chesaning Chamber of Commerce Dry-Tri, more details can be found HERE
Sat Oct 21 - Chesaning Chamber of Commerce Craft 'n Crop fundraiser, more details can be found HERE
