Hey Retreat Friends!
If you've been to our website recently, you will notice that we appear to be FULL just about every weekend through the year, and most weekdays. However, we are actually about 60% full. Sometimes groups book larger spaces in hopes of filling it up, but end up having a smaller group than planned. Per our Reservation Packets, if a group doesn't meet the minimum number to have that location to themselves, we will open up the spots to another group. When groups share a building, they do not share bedrooms, those would be assigned. However, you will share the work area, kitchen and dining areas, as well as the bathrooms in some locations. This does not apply to our private 4 person areas 2B, 3B, Suites A, B, C, Q and 3rd floom in CPRC.
We have a waiting list of three pages that we'd love to get into buildings. In order to help out our waiting list and fill our buildings, we are going to make a few changes. We are going to reach out by phone to our Group Contacts, approximately 8 weeks prior to your reservation, to find out how many guests you plan to have, as well as to remind you when final payments are due. We will continue to call you a month prior to confirm whether or not you're taking advantage of early arrival so that we can schedule luggage assistance for your group.
We'd also like to share with you the process of how reservations work: -Four months prior to the reservation Group Contacts are emailed a reservation packet with reminder dates -Three months prior to your retreat, deposits of 50% are due -Two months prior, Group Contacts will receive a phone call from us regarding group size and due dates -One month prior to your retreat, final payments are due and Group Contacts will receive a call to confirm how many in your group will be taking advantage of early arrival Additionally, we are going to add an expiration date of 18 months for Retreat Credits. We have always been flexible in allowing credits to be on file for a guest to use in the future or to transfer it to another person, even more so when COVID hit. Now we are going to add this expiration, which can be used by you or someone else for any retreat date or class.
Sincerely, Your CP Team